
Sunday, June 3, 2012

NO REGRETS (with photos)



Remembering sweet times
puts a smile on my face,
recalling those moments
in our own special place;
memories warming
my heart and my soul
like those times we listened
to that good old rock and roll
when safe in your arms
my heart felt so whole.

We share precious memories
we never will forget,
a life spent together
without any bit of regret.
And though time continues
to fly by ever so fast,
memories beginning
to fade into the past,
I recall how the stars aligned
on the day we met
and treasure each moment
strolling down memory lane
and all the times we have ahead
to spend together even yet.

(c) barbara kausteklis 6-2-12

Thanks for the sweet memories
and for sharing your lines with me:
Angel Love, Diane, and Mindy.

A Collab written for the "Saturday Share/
"Strolling down memory lane (required line).

Lines Selected in addition to my own:

Strolling down memory lane (Angel Love) - REQUIRED
When life was simple not having to change (Diane)
Recalling the moments at our special place (Angel Love)
As we listened to that good old rock and roll (Angel Love)
Safe in your arms how my heart felt so whole (Mindy)
Times spent together without regret (Angel Love)
How the stars all aligned on the day that we met (Mindy)
Fond thoughts cross my mind time and again (Angel Love)
Time flies by ever so fast (Angel Love)

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