
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

BREAKING THROUGH THE SILENCE (with photos) - St. Patrick's Day 2012


St. Patrick's Day 2012

Melancholy moments
within frayed and broken strings,
a saddened heart drifting
and battered about by storms
preceding the Spring,
drifting away in muted silence,
overtaken by the tenor
of this very stormy day.

And I search within the gray
and in damp and darkness seek
some peace on this morning
when it seems so hard to find.
And finally a break in the clouds,
a small patch of blue in the distance
and a few rays of sunshine
piercing through the gray.
And that's all it took for me
on that morning recently
as wounded heartstrings
began to sing once more,
to the music of a new morning
emerging through the clouds.
And the strains of a celtic fiddle
break through the silence of the day,
and my own heart begins to sing
to those faraway sounds
as the notes embrace
and begin to comfort my soul.

(c) barbara kausteklis 3-17-12
St. Patrick's Day 2012

Thanks always for your visits
and precious comments
and for finding my pieces here.

Big Hugs.



  1. Extraordinary take for a St Patrick's Day piece. Outstanding. Stunning Stirring. Both ink and photography. A superb embrace of image-ink-image which grip the heart. This is really gorgeous, Barb. Even the small rend -- perhaps the bite of an insect who has enjoyed a meal -- in one of the clovers enhances the glory of the message.

  2. That was lovely as always, barb! That's one of the reasons i gave you the Lovely Blog Award - pick it up here -

  3. I love this. So wonderful.

