
Thursday, March 22, 2012

NO KIDDING (with photos) -- Blogophilia 4.5

Blogophilia week 4.5 - "...and that's how it really happened"

Bonus Points:

(Hard, 2pts): Incorporate: 'two left feet'

(Easy, 1pt): mention an oxymoron

Final date to post BLOG: March 24th, 2012 - Saturday, midnight Pacific Time
Final date to post ALL GUESSES: March 23th, 2012 - Friday, midnight Pacific Time

Please highlight or otherwise point out your bonus points attempts.

Guess correctly who submitted the topic... and a correct guess at who submitted the picture earns you additional points!!

Guess correctly the secret "word or phrase" earns a chance at more points. Including the secret word or phrase within your blog content earns an additional point!!


NO KIDDING . . . .

I tiptoed so very softly,
not wanting to disturb,
getting closer and closer,
careful not to say a word
but my two left feet
tripped over a rock
and the rest of me
went splat --
flat on my face,
right on the ground.
And what I was trying
so very hard to find
never was found
because of that sound.

So I tried again.

One foot in front of the other,

no two left feet this time,
I crept slowly
and silently
and held my breath
to see what I could see.
And what I saw
amazed me so --
I could hardly even believe.
Taking a snooze
on a branch
in the middle of the day
without a care in the world,
dreaming sweet dreams,
I know he was;
I swear I even saw him smile.

It was worth the wait,

that incredible sight,
the little furry fellow
was all tuckered out,
but clearly confused
about the time of day
and what being
a squirrel is all about.

This was the time to play,
not to sleep,
and I was so very glad
that I hadn't made a peep
and had a chance to see
this amazing sight.

I'm sure the wise night heron
who watched from
behind the scenes
can hardly contain himself
each time he sees me pass.

And the hummingbird
who saw it happen
still smiles down at me.
And I'm sure I heard her giggle
as she landed on
an adjacent branch.

And that's exactly how it happened
on that day not so long ago;
that's exactly how it happened
and I haven't changed a thing.

(c) barbara kausteklis 3-21-12

(text and photos)

Written for Blogophilia 4.5/

"...and that's how it really happened."




PHRASES: walking a fine line, tight-rope walking, balancing act, in the shadow of the sun, silhouette, deer in the headlights, The Shadow Knows, private eye, on the ropes, somewhere under the rainbow, wired, looking over your shoulder, aura, blind spots, walking the line, ring around a rosie, light at the end of the tunnel, electrifying, tunnel vision, Dark Shadows, blinded by the light, shadowy figures, poised and balanced, spring equinox, hotspot, hot wire, high wire, tight rope, sure-footed, high stepping, bulls-eye, Malcolm in the Middle, in the eye of the storm

OXYMORON MENTIONED: Clearly confused


Thanks always for your visits and comments

and for sharing another Blogophilia smile with me.



  1. Brilliantly done with whimsy, wit and wry wonder: photos and ink conspire to create a wondrous, worthy, winsome write!!!

    1. Such a lot of fun. Thanks so much, Leeza! I'm glad to be able to share a smile with this. When I saw him on that branch that day, I had to go back the next day. And he was there again. And I made sure I actually saw him breathing. It was so funny. But by the third day he had scampered away.

  2. Wow! You captured those animals so well!I must say you really had a great time watching them.:)

    1. It was such a lot of fun -- watching them and writing this. Happy to share them both. Thanks so much, Ruz!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
