
Friday, March 23, 2012

SECOND CHANCES (with photo)


Each day as I awaken,
before my feet
even touch the floor,
I’m thankful for the day ahead
and another chance to ride
this crazy merry-go-round.

The first time around
I just didn’t notice,
or, rather,
didn’t really
take the time,
to see what was right
there in front of me,
daily gifts to see.

And then
something happened
that caused me
to stop in my tracks;
and I watched in awe
and amazement
how others handled
almost insurmountable pain
and circumstances
with such amazing grace.
No longer could I sit back
and watch my life go by,
taking each day for granted
when others had paid
such a huge and terrible price
for the second chances
they had at life.

And what they went through
forever changed my life.
The small things
taken for granted
became the big things to me.
Priorities shifted
in my life
as their second chances
became my second chance
to look around
and to really see
and appreciate each day
and what I have,
to focus
on what’s important
and to eliminate
what’s not.
And for that lesson
and for what it did
in my life,
I am forever

(c) barbara kausteklis 3-22-12

Written for "Thematic Attic/Second Chances."

Thanks always for finding my pieces 

and for all visits and precious comments.



  1. Breathtaking ink. Breathtaking photo of someone who knows how to drink in every one of the glories of what her not-very-long life sets before her. Lessons learned. Your ink and photo: superbly done.

    1. Thanks so much, Leeza! So many second chances . . . .
