
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"WINDS OF CHANGE" (with photo)


I can feel the wind
as it blows
through my hair,
here and there
and everywhere,
as it kicks up the sand
and the leaves in the air;
puffy white clouds
so high in the sky
changing to ominous gray
and back to white again
in a springtime March wink.

Nothing is the same
from day to day
and so very often
(and most of the time)
I really like it that way.
Always something different
something new to try
to figure out,
not necessarily
much fun at first
but certainly guaranteed
to pique my curiosity,
to exercise my brain
and keep my interest high.

But I must say
it's not easy
and frustrations abound
as I try very hard
to navigate around,
to find my way
on these blustery
March days
through the maze
and the puzzle
of this adventure
known as life.

So I keep my eyes open
and look for the clues
that others have found
to help make things work
in a way that reduces
frustration and stress
as I try to make note
of what seems to work
(or not)
on this blustery March Day,
an adventure once more
as I continue to find my way.

(c) barbara kausteklis 3-6-12

For CPC "Wonderful Wednesday
Meet and Greet/A Blustery Day."

Thanks always for all visits and comments.

Always such treasures.


1 comment:

  1. That's all we can do to be honest. Adjust always and accept it. I hope you had a great week so far. :)
