
Friday, March 16, 2012


Blogophilia 3.5 Topic: "You are cordially invited"

Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2pts): Incorporate: 'Ice Water Castles'
(Easy, 1pt): Include the name of Lady Godiva's horse

Final date to post BLOG: March 17th, 2012 - Saturday, midnight Pacific Time
Final date to post ALL GUESSES: March 16th, 2012 - Friday, midnight Pacific Time

Please highlight or otherwise point out your bonus points attempts.

Guess correctly who submitted the topic... and a correct guess at who submitted the picture earns you additional points!!

Guess correctly the secret "word or phrase" earns a chance at more points. Including the secret word or phrase within your blog content earns an additional point!!



Mirrored majestic
mystical magic in flight,
crystal ice water castles
shining so bright
painted upon this velvety
and moonbeamed
canvas of night,
spiraled stairways
to the heavens above,
crystaline castles
ascending across the sky.
glistening visions
from the land
of midnight dreams;

And you are cordially invited
to come along with me.
Come just as you are;
and we'll travel among
galaxies so near
though seeming so far.
We'll travel together
to that place
where dreams are made,
iridescent wonder
imagination painted
across the nighttime sky.

We'll meet at
precisely midnight
when the time
is absolutely right,
finding our way
by moonbeams bright,
sprinkles of fairy dust
and sweet starlight.

And we'll get there
oh, so quickly,
majestic Aethenoth
taking the lead,
flying through the night,
this wondrous steed
in the same magical way
he sped through the lanes
of Coventry Town
so very long ago.

So we'll go there together
to that magical wonderland,
of crystalline ice water castles
and wintertime fantasies,
captivated by visions,
magical in the night
as our imaginations soar again,
transported to that special
place where mystical horses graze;
and butterflies dance
among rain-bowed gardens
and time is suspended
within the land of dreams.

(c) barbara kausteklis 3-16-12

Written for Blogophilia 3.5/
"You Are Cordially Invited."


Topic: Sharonlee

Picture: Alba


double-jointed, limber, belly flop, wide open, open wide, feathered, masked, peacock feathers, extreme sport, extreme exercise, taking it to the extreme, tatooed and feathered, contortionist, gripping, severe practice, hand-foot-and-mouth, touching toes, Big Bird, open wide, say "ah", light as a feather, stretched to the limit, cross-eyed, extremely fit, strutting like a peacock, yogi bird, gasping for air, fantastic gymnastics, evil eye, slip sliding away, feather in her cap, feather headdress, one-arm bandit, cross-eyed, severe practice, extreme exercise, extremely fit, in the eye of the beholder, shocked

LADY GODIVA'S HORSE: named Aethenoth according to such sources as

Thanks always for your visits and comments
and for sharing another Blogophilia week with me.

Big Hugs.



  1. Wow! This is spectacular. That's all there is to it!

    1. Thanks so much, Leeza! And the "ink" is hardly dry. Glad to share a smile on this early Friday morning.

  2. Come just as you are...that put a smile on my face today Barb :) And to think that you are inviting us to a magical world of dreams,I certainly will come in my most childish self!Giddiyap, Aethenoth!!:)

    1. Thanks so much, Ruz! And for the much-appreciated smile tonight. I'm glad I could share one with you as well. Such a lot of fun.

  3. This is wonderful. I'm almost ready to play too, but I'm not quite good at guessing...We shall see. I hope you're enjoying your weekend. :)

  4. Enchanting and intoxicating Barbara... so happy to find you.
    Squishy Hugs
