
Sunday, April 1, 2012

AS RAINDROPS FALL (Collab with photo)


Washing away all

the tears I have cried,
sweet raindrops cleanse
my spirit when it begins
to falter along the way.
And as the drops
begin to fall,
forming puddles
all around,
the child within my heart
comes out to play
on this rainy day;
and we dance together
to the rhythm of each drop,
springtime showers
settling the fears
within my heart
and setting me free
to be really me.

And as the rains end
and the sun shines again,
we dance once more,
my heart's inner friend,
beneath the rainbows of spring,
the clouds departing
and leaving behind ,
as they do,
a better day along with
the peace to be found
and the love that never ends
as the springtime rain
comes pouring down.

(c) barbara kausteklis 3-31-12

Thanks to the following Pals

for sharing lines with me:
Angel Love, Ev, Dee, Mary Margaret,
Diane, Miz Nancy, Bettie and Me, Barbara

Required line
(tense can be altered):
"As the rain came pouring down."

A Collab written for the "Saturday Share."

Thanks always for your visits and precious comments.



  1. Loveliest of collabs. That exquisite photo is a Barb-Mother Nature collab that tells the whole story with no need for words! That capture is a poem of rain, wistfulness, tears, some sadness, with spring and hope just around the corner and with the lovely soothing aura of dew and rain caressing the dear flowers!

  2. Very true and beautiful write.

