
Sunday, April 29, 2012

ONCE MORE RELEASED -- A Simple Sunday" Piece

"Artissimo" by Istavan Sandorfi


Caught up again
within the tangled web
of my own imagination’s making,
I struggle to make some sense
of the shadowy visions,
the comings and goings
within shaded corners
where fragmented thoughts
so very often reside.

And as the light
shines down on me
and illuminates the dark,
all I can do is offer
who and what I am,
my hands and my heart,
whatever darkness
inside of me finally
released and cast aside,
inhaling the precious
breath of calm sweeping
over and through
my restless soul
and absorbing each
and every ray of light
that begins to find
this heart of mine.

(c) barbara kausteklis 4-29-12

Written for "A Simple Sunday"
today featuring Istavan Sandorfi.

Thanks always for your visits and comments.

Wishing everyone a peaceful week ahead

as we begin a new month.


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