
Friday, April 13, 2012

WITHIN THE BLOSSOMS OF SPRING -- A Springtime Collab with photos


Opening up to see the morning sun,
the flower buds begin to bloom,
their colors painting the fields galore;
bountiful beauty the Creator has in store.
Brightening Mother Nature's room,
new birth replaces pain and gloom
as beautiful fragrances fill the air,
Spring replaces Winter everywhere.

Mother Earth nurturing
each blossom with care,
hope springing eternal
within the lilies of spring;
forever a spark in my soul to ignite,
spring gives me a feeling
so full of delight.

Spring's delightful fragrances
take my breath away
as fruit trees explode in quilts
of pastel pinks and whites.
And I can't help but notice
that Spring has finally arrived
and that from now on
everything will be alright
as the rose and the dandelion
are clearly meant to be.

(c) barbara kausteklis 4-7-12

Thanks to the following Pals for sharing their lines with me:
Angel Love, Bettie, Dee, Russell, Scotorum, Michelle K, Diane,
Mary Margaret, Marcia, and Me, Barbara K

Written for the last week's "Saturday Share."
Lines selected in addition to my own:


Blooms opening up to see the morning sun (Bettie)
Colors painting the fields galore(dee)
Fields filled with beauty and bountiful blooms (RUSSELL)
Brightening Mother Nature’s room (Scotorum)
The Rose and the Dandelion were meant to be (Marcia)
New births releasing gloom (Diane)
A beautiful fragrance fills the air (Angel Love)
Nurtured with care from mother earth (Michelle K)
A fragrance so sweet it takes away all the gloom (Bettie)
Forever a spark my soul ignite(Mary)
Spring giving me a feeling so full of delight (Michelle K)
Making me feel that everything is alright (Angel Love)

Thanks always for your visits and precious comments.

Sending love and hugs from springtime-blooming Southern California.



  1. "...clearly meant to be." As is your collab and brilliant photo illustration: as inevitable as Mother Nature's activity! Wonderful, Barb.

  2. Oops! "As ARE your collab and...."
