
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

AS SAD TEARS FLOW (with photo)


Sorrowful tears flowing,
Mother Nature still weeps,
her voice weary,
her heart breaking
as we continue
to ignore her pleas,
her fervent wishes,
not too much to ask,
that we reuse
and recycle
and take care
of what we have;
that we conserve
the precious gifts
entrusted to our care.

But, as we know,
and sadly so,
her pleas unheeded go;
her gardens and her rivers
trampled upon and abused;
her oceans and trees neglected,
uprooted so and bruised
when all it takes
is a little care,
and respect.
That’s all that’s needed
to make things right
and begin to repair
what we have so destroyed.
And we see it everywhere.

For when all
is said and done,
we’re just travelers
on borrowed time.
And though we have
a lot of work to do
for all Mother Nature
has been through,
it’s up to us
to fix what we’ve broken
and to make things better
for the next generation.

(c) barbara kausteklis 4-23-12
For Earth Day 2012

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