
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

BLOOMING WITH JOY (with photos)


The sun in the sky,
hints of blue
and muted clouds,
every bird that sings
shares its song
with my heart.
A breath of wind
flows silently
through the passes
and across the hills;
where it starts
and where it ends
there’s no one
who really knows.

But on this morning
that has brought with it
raindrops spilling over
from yesterday,
the sun begins to shine
through a break in the clouds
as the warmth of joy returns.
And once more,
as far as my eye can see,
poppies dance within
the springtime breeze,
upon a canvas of
green and gold,
vibrant and joyful
in the sweet glow
of the sun,
blooming again
for all to see.

And upon this page,
words dance once more
across the pages of my heart
and lift me up again,
bringing joy to my day
that I had a bit of trouble
beginning to find before.

(c) barbara kausteklis 4-18-12

Written for CPC "Wonderful Wednesday Writes for Joy."

Thanks always for all visits and comments.


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