
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

GETTING BACK UP (AND STANDING TALL) -- a Collab with photo



I wish I could gaze
into a crystal ball,
and see the many things
hiding underneath it all;
uncovering each one,
once and for all,
and see the future
laid out so clearly
in front of me.

Alas, no crystal ball
do I have in front of me,
only eyes that see
the things I see;
but with my imagination's eye
I can see as clearly as can be
what's over the horizon
in front of me
and behind
and to the side
the things that I see.

And it has been
quite a journey to recall,
imagining that crystal ball
and what it holds,
what's yet to come.
For where love has left scars,
we've survived and didn't fall;
we noticed the signs
and heeded their call
and strove to succeed
and break our fall.

We always got up
after each bump in the road;
and there was no wall
too high to keep us
from moving ahead.

And as I look into
my imagination's
crystal ball today,
while I don't really want
to know it all,
I see more than I ever
asked that I see
and hope that the future
will be even greater
for you and me.

So we wipe those tears away
and go forward standing tall,
as no matter the weather,
we will survive it all.

Thanks to these Pals for sharing
their wonderful lines with me:
Angel Love, Sheila A, Flossie, Diane,
Russell, Marcia, Bettie, and Me, Barbara

(c) barbara kausteklis 4-15-12

Written for the CPC "Saturday Share."

Lines selected in addition to my own:

As I gaze into my crystal ball (Angel Love) (REQUIRED)

Secrets hide underneath it all (Sheila A)
So wipe those tears and go forward and stand tall. (Flossie)
No matter the weather, you will survive all (Angel Love)
Where love left you scars but, you did not fall (Diane)
Then, I learned to live and love all (Diane)
Hoping this future will be greater than the past (Russell)
I saw more than I ever asked (Angel Love)
Would you really want to know it all (Marcia)
Keep striving to succeed until you no longer fall (Diane)
You’ll always get up after the fall (Marcia)

Thanks always for your visits and comments.

Hoping this week has been a most excellent one so far.


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