
Friday, April 27, 2012

FROM ME TO YOU (with photos)


What can I give you
to say that I care?
Money or jewels
or other fancy things,
wrapped up in special boxes
and tied with pretty bows?
I’ve thought long and hard
about what it could be,
something that will last
more than just a day or two.
And now I know what they are
because you give me the same –
I carry them with me all the time,
and they get me through
even the most difficult days.

So I give you a smile
and a cheery hello;
and a hug to let you know
that everything’s going
to be okay no matter what;
and I give you a simple melody,
one that you can hum out loud
or simply sing within your heart.

For it’s those little things
that make my day,
the sweetest song
sung out of tune;
rainbows and flowers
colored outside the lines;
sparrows splashing in puddles
just after a spring rain;
a smile,
a wink,
the smallest hug.
These are the things
that you give to me,
that make me smile
and make me laugh
and make me cry
and soothe my soul
and make my heart sing.

And each of these words
is a hug from me,
from my heart to yours
across time and space.

(c) barbara kausteklis 4-26-12

Written for "Thematic Attic/Hug a Friend."

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