
Sunday, April 22, 2012

DYING TO FIT IN -- A Simple Sunday

"Carta a Eva" -- Artist: Amelia Arranz


by the runway lights
and deafened
by the oooh's and ah's,
one foot in front of the other
and trying to manage
the narrow path
they've got us on.
Self-image lost,
so blinded there
within the glare of fame
and fortune we're on.

Fashion statements
to adoring crowds,
children dying to be
grown up before their time;
childhood lost and traded in
for what's hot today
according to what "they" say.

What a price we pay
as we try to fit in;
and how much we lose
trying not to be passe.

(c) barbara kausteklis 4-22-12

Written for "A Simple Sunday"
this week featuring the art of Amelia Arranz
and her "Carta a Eva."

Thanks always for your visits and comments.


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