Blogophilia week 14.5 - "In Order to Live with Myself"
Bonus Points:
(Hard, 2pts): use the words "Waiter! Check, please."
(Easy, 1pt): mention the Full Moon
Final date to post BLOG: June 2, 2012 - Saturday, midnight Pacific Time
Final date to post ALL GUESSES: June 1, 2012 - Friday, midnight Pacific Time
Please highlight or otherwise point out your bonus points attempts.
Guess correctly who submitted the topic... and a correct guess at who submitted the picture earns you additional points.
Guess correctly the secret "word or phrase" earns a chance at more points. Including the secret word or phrase within your blog content earns an additional point!!
The years have slipped by,
out of my grasp
and into the past.
Gone are those times,
life's canvas ever-changing
with the dawn of each new day,
each moment treasured,
good or bad,
and safely tucked away.
Those years have fallen away,
one by one,
almost unnoticed,
some as though they never were --
those days when I too often
and assumed
that everyone else was right,
that what I thought
didn't matter at all,
that I needed
everyone else's approval
for what I did,
for what I thought,
for who I was,
for who I would become.
But now the years have passed
and I finally,
after all this time,
have a new best friend
and know exactly who I am.
It's taken a long time,
but the time has finally come,
that I'm comfortable with myself
and I don't want
or need to be
anyone else
but the me I see.
With all my quirks
and all my faults,
I know I'm just like
everyone else,
just human
and just right.
And when I look into the mirror
and see my own blue eyes,
I know I've finally met
and become my own
very best friend.
So tonight,
as the full moon shines
through the window of my heart,
I set a table for two --
and flowers
and music
just so,
for I dine tonight
at this table for two
in the company of the one
who has finally become
her own best friend.
I dine together
with Myself tonight
as we're finally enjoying
each other's company
and able to look each other
right in the eye
in order to live with
my own best friend,
In celebration, My Friend,
dinner tonight is on Me
So Waiter, check please!
I'm more than thrilled
to cover this bill.
(c) barbara kausteklis 5-31-12
Written for Blogophilia 14.5/
"In order to live with myself."
Porta-Potty, hitched, Hitch, parking stall, Johnnie on the Spot, toilet trike, toilet tricycle, toilet seat, pit stop, bathroom stall, one-seater, three-wheeler, road commode, locked up, on the line, crossing the line, all the necessities, porcelain throne, bathroom break, tricycle stand, rest stop, restroom break, taking a break, hitching post, biobreak, office on wheels, tipsy, top-heavy, all the all the comforts of home, Clueless in L.A.
Thanks always for all visits and comments.