
Tuesday, May 29, 2012



They cross my path

each and every day,
everyday heroes
simply doing what they do.
For no attention paid
they simply go about
the business of their day;
just ordinary folks
just like you and me,
doing extraordinary things
as they silently go
along their way.

They’re just ordinary people

doing the things they do
with their own special touch
and crossing my path
when I’m not looking
and when I least
expect them to.

But it doesn’t take long

for me to know
they’ve been here,
my world made
so much better
through their presence
and loving touch.

I’m so blessed by them

and by all that they do,
everyday heroes
simply doing
what they do
as they go
about their day.

(c) barbara kausteklis 5-28-12

Written for CPC Magic Monday/

"Do our Heroes Have a Certain Kind of Magic?"

Thanks always for your visits and precious comments

and for finding the pieces I post as so many of us are still so very invisible to one another.

Big Hugs.


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