
Thursday, May 3, 2012

ON THOSE DAYS -- Blogophilia 10.5 (with photos)

Blogophilia week 10.5 - "Whereat With Blade ..."

Bonus Points:

(Hard, 2pts):
use a foreign expression

(Easy, 1pt): include transcendental in your blog

Final date to post BLOG: May 5, 2012 - Saturday, midnight Pacific Time
Final date to post ALL GUESSES: May 4, 2012 - Friday, midnight Pacific Time

Please highlight or otherwise point out your bonus points attempts.

Guess correctly who submitted the topic... and a correct guess at who submitted the picture earns you additional points.

Guess correctly the secret "word or phrase" earns a chance at more points. Including the secret word or phrase within your blog content earns an additional point.


Sometimes I feel
like throwing up my hands,
like tossing in the towel
and making other plans,
nothing going quite right,
the day rather askew
and at a complete loss
as to what I can do.

And on those days,
when I'm not quite sure
whether to laugh
or to cry
or to jump up and down --
those are the days
that find me searching
for those words
to say how I feel,
instead I find myself
rather speechless,
abandoned by the muse
I've come to love
and to rely upon so,
and left wondering where
my friend has gone --
To rest?
Recharge the flame?
Imagination on vacation,
looking for rest and relaxation,
as that transcendental spark
grows dim
and flickers
in the dark,
getting harder
and harder to see.

What a predicament
for a lover of words
to be in!

But instead of saying,
as I certainly could,
c'est la vie,
that's life,
the way it's got to be,
I'm not one to give in,
or give up quite so easily.
I take a deep breath
and try it once again.

Whereat, with blade
(in a metaphorical way)
I take a stab in the dark,
trying my hand
at some things
I never imagined
or ever dreamed,
finding myself
quite outside my normal view
and having a bit of fun
along the way,
in an attempt to find
my sometimes wayward
and absent muse.

(c) barbara kausteklis 5-2-12

Written for Blogophilia 10.5/"Whereat With Blade."



PHRASES: Dazed and Confused, Anne of Green Gables, Pelican Brief, Green Pastures, Alone, Wuthering Heights, Greener Pastures, Out of the Fog, Footsteps in the Fog, Waiting for Godot, Busstop, Man in the Grey Flannel Suit, Green Acres, A Foggy Day in London Town, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, Fast Food Nation, The Fog, House of Sand and Fog, Night and Fog, The Fog of War, The Mist, Clueless in L.A. . . . .


Thanks always for your visits and comments even when my "muse" seems rather wayward and absent.

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely relate. I guess the trick is to just keep going. :)
