
Sunday, May 6, 2012

TICKLING OUR TOES (with photos)


I love that feeling
of soft grass on my feet;
I love how it feels
as it tickles my toes.
It simply makes me giggle
as my toes begin to wiggle,
feeling free as a bird
as a gentle breeze blows.

It’s such a beautiful day,
no time to feel blue;
spending a day
romping in the grass
has to be one of
my favorite things to do.
So cool and soothing
from the summer heat,
it’s a sweet sensation
that absolutely can’t be beat.

So let’s go dance in the rain
and let the wet grass
slip through our toes;
let’s dance among the raindrops
and beneath the arches
of magical rainbows.
Let’s dance with the wind
and leave all our stress behind
drifting off with the fragrance
of orange blossoms
floating upon the breeze.

Let’s dance once more
to the music of life
and the feeling of soft grass
as it tickles our toes.

(c) barbara kausteklis 5-6-12

Thanks, PALS, for sharing your wonderful
lines with me: Angel Love, Diane, Michelle K,
Scotorum, Flossie, and Me, Barbara K.

A Collab written for this week's CPC "Saturday Share."

Thanks always for your visits and comments.


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