
Wednesday, May 2, 2012



Fields of butterflies
flying so free in the Spring,
free as the wind blows
and as the sun is high,
they float upon breezes
before landing at my feet.
Their colorful beauty
catching my eye,
the butterflies touch my heart
as they playfully pass by.
Wings in flight connected
as we all become one,
miniature painted canvases,
they sparkle in the sun.

On this springtime afternoon,
as I watch them spread their wings,
we soar together in my mind
up past the clouds,
way up in the sky.
And I waltz with the butterflies
as they float through the air,
not a dry eye in this flight so fair.
But soon our tears will dry and fade
as spreading their wings,
they’ll fly high and away,
leaving us their beauty
and memories rare and sweet,
as out of their cocoons
they’ve emerged and left
treasures behind for us to behold,
as the butterflies are free.
most precious gifts
to each one of us.

(c) barbara kausteklis 4-28-12

Thanks to the following Pals
for sharing their lines with me:

Angel Love, Bettie, Michelle K, Mary Margaret,
Flossie, and Me, Barbara

Lines selected in addition to my own:

Butterflies are free (Angel Love)
Fields of butterflies flying free (Bettie)
Free as the wind blows and the sun is high (Bettie)
Their colorful beauty catches my eye (Michelle K)
As I do gauge as they pass me by (Bettie)
Flights of wings connected all becoming one (Mary)
The beautiful sights as we pass by (Michelle K)
Soon these tears in our eyes will dry (Angel Love)
Tomorrow will be a brighter day (Angel Love)
Out of the cocoon in a new world to see (Michelle K)
Spread your wings and fly free Flossie


Thanks always for your visits and comments.


1 comment:

  1. That's pretty neat how you got a closeup of a butterfly like that. I tried to once, but they flew away. Though, once a dragonfly stayed in place so I could go inside and get my camera. It was as if the dragonfly was listening to me that day. :)
