
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

THIS MOM'S PRAYER . . . . LOVE, MOM (with photos)


When each one of you
were born into my world,
time stood still
while my heart
skipped a beat
with the wonder
of it all.
I savored each moment,
your tiny hands and feet,
miracles in every way
and treasures I'd always keep.
And as I've watched you
grow and thrive each one,
and become what
was certainly meant to be,
not children anymore,
I'm reminded on each birthday
and on every day in between,
how much my life has changed
since you came into my world,
as I never for one moment
doubted what you'd become.

And as you have developed
into your independent selves,
I couldn't be more thankful
that so many dreams
do indeed come true.
For as I look
into your eyes today,
still so clear and blue,
I still see the wonder
and the magic that has been
there all the time,
that innocent amazement
that I first saw in your eyes
when you first arrived
into my world.

And my prayer for you,
each one of you,
now that you are grown,
is that you never
lose even one tiny bit
of that inner child
that sees so much
of what so many of us don't --
through eyes that see the rainbows
even on cloudiest of days,
and the blue skies
that always re-appear
after each and every storm;
through eyes that see
what things are like
before time and life
can get in the way.
And that is my hope
and dream for you
on this another day.

Love, Mom

(c) barbara kausteklis 5-23-12

Written for CPC "Wonderful Wednesday
Writes About The Wonders Of Babies."

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