
Sunday, May 13, 2012

EMBRACED BY MOTHER'S HANDS - "A Simple Sunday" Piece

Artist: Sharonlee


Hands still reaching

across the miles
and many years,
still cradling my heart
and easing all my fears;
hands wiping away the tears
almost before they begin to fall,
I still feel my mother's hands,
so very patient and strong.

And on this Mother's Day

as every year before,
I still feel my mother's hands
guiding me along the way,
a hand of sweet encouragement
a tender pat on the back;
whenever I begin to feel down,
my mother's hands are there
to lift my spirits,
to buoy me back up.

So to this day

and after so many years,
all the way from Heaven above,
I feel my mother's loving touch
upon my heart and soul,
and because of her
and through her hands,
I can face and embrace
all those yesterdays
as living within
these todays of mine
those hands still lift me up
with the promise and hope,
touching my heart
when I least expect it,
but when I need it the most.

(c) barbara kausteklis 5-13-12

Mother's Day 2012

Written for "A Simple Sunday"

this week featuring the art of Sharonlee.

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