
Thursday, May 10, 2012


Blogophilia week 11.5 - "Ashes to Starlight"

Bonus Points:

(Hard, 2pts): give an excuse you would use to get out of a ticket (i.e., traffic, speeding, running red light)

(Easy, 1pt): have a Blogophiliac place their hand on another Blogo's knee

Final date to post BLOG: May 12, 2012 - Saturday, midnight Pacific Time

Final date to post ALL GUESSES: May 11, 2012 - Friday, midnight Pacific Time

Please highlight or otherwise point out your bonus points attempts.

Guess correctly who submitted the topic... and a correct guess at who submitted the picture earns you additional points.
Guess correctly the secret "word or phrase" earns a chance at more points. Including the secret word or phrase within your blog content earns an additional point.



We gathered around the campfire

on that unforgettable summer's night,
sharing stories and singing songs
as the flames rose up so bright,
together sharing the glow
and friendship and song.

And as the flames rose up,

embers crackling in the night,
we listened to the words
and embraced the evening air,
as through the tortured darkness
of a somber and moonless sky,
love's once sweet song,
as the story told,
punctuated the silence
and peace of the night,
stories of broken dreams
and broken hearts
rising up from the flames
until rising from the ashes
broken hearts are mended
and dance through
the dark of night
and into the muted glow
of a suspended midnight moon
as we lost track of the time
within the stories' flow.

And at the hour of midnight

when all was very still,
as Marvin gave the sign
and Ruggi placed his hand
upon Irene's knee,
we followed their lead
and joined hands together
singing friendship's song
as the flames died down
and only ashes remained,
ashes to starlight glowing
and lighting up our hearts,
we found friendship and peace
around the campfire's flames
memories of that night remaining,
those moments between
the midnight hour
and the rising of the sun
as the moon painted the sky
suspended between
in those memories that linger
for just a little while
within friendship's flames
and those precious moments
before the rising of the sun.

(c) barbara kausteklis 5-10-12

Written for Blogophilia 11.5/"Ashes to Starlight."



PHRASES: Hoops, Hoop Dreams, Brian's Song, Friday Night Lights, Blind Side, Radio, Rudy, The Longest Yard, The Doughnuts, The Simpson's Movie, Blood & Donuts, The Donut Movie, Iron Man 2, Lord of the Rings, The Great Race, Running as Fast as I Can, Icing on the Cake, Frosty the Snowman, The Circle Game, Just Guessing From L.A. . . . .

Excuse for ticket (as in parking ticket) -- "lost track of time . . . . "

Apologies to Ruggi and Irene -- included names only for the prompt -- names chosen at random.


Thanks always for all visits and comments and for sharing another challenging Blogophilia week with me.


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