
Sunday, May 20, 2012

TOWARD PEACEFUL -- A Collab With Photos

by Barbara K
A CPC Collab

I long to live in a world of peace,
in a world where we can co-exist
and simply let each other be;
in a world where we can
just all get along;
in a world
with no fighting,
no arguing,
and no back-biting.

Is it really too much to ask
and will it ever come to pass
that we can all join together
hand in hand and heart to heart,
everyone just doing their part
to make peace happen
and to put love first
instead of last?

For loving each other
takes no money at all;
it’s free
and it runs
as thick as honey.
It’s the glue
that binds us
all together;
without love
in our hearts
all we’re left with
is hate
and we need
no more of that.
In the name
of peace and love
too much blood
has already been spilled.

So let’s start now . . . .
let’s not wait
’till it’s too late;
let’s spread
the love around
and do our part
with open minds
and with open hearts
for peace is something
we all need to share.

So let’s get started,
let’s not wait,
for there’s much to be done
and no time to waste,
for peace is so much more
than just a word
to be tossed around.
It’s never too late
for peace to be achieved;
it’s never too late,
let our hearts not be deceived.
for nothing compares
to the love we have to share
as spreading her wings,
peace sets all mankind free.

I long for a world
where love can be found
and I pray that one day soon
we’ll watch the Dove of Peace
flying in all her glory
for all the world to see.

So let’s do it now,
let’s not wait at all;
let’s live and let each one of us
just be exactly who we are
and who we were meant to be
for without love and peace
the future is very bleak indeed.

(c) barbara kausteklis 5-19-12

Thanks to the following Peacemakers
for sharing their lines with me:
Angel Love, Dee, Monserate Velez,
Flossie, Diane, Bettie, and Me, Barbara.

I hope I didn’t leave anyone’s name out . . . .
thanks so much to all who have shared their lines.

Written for this week's "Saturday Share."

Selected Lines in addition to my own:

Let’s just let each other be (Angel Love)
Loving all takes no money (Diane)
Its free and runs thick like honey(dee)
Everyone has to pull their own weight (Bettie)
Don`t wait until it`s too, late (Diane)
Without love in the heart breeds hate(dee)
Let’s all start now, it’s never too late (Angel Love)
peace is love always given from the heart(dee)
Freely loving mankind doing our part(dee)
Open hearts, open minds never weak (Diane)
Without love, the future is bleak (Angel Love)
that peace can be achieved(dee)
Let not your heart be deceived (Angel Love)
I long for a world where love can be found (Angel Love)
In the name of peace and love blood has spilled upon the ground(dee)
The love that each one should care (Flossie)
Live and let live and let all just be (Angel Love)
Nothing compares the Love we have to share. (Monserate Velez)
Watch the Dove of Peace fly in all her glory for all to see(dee)
Spreading her wings setting mankind free(dee)
The Dove carries the branch of peace to share(dee)


Thanks always for all visits and comments.


  1. What a wonderful woman you are! I could only hope2do as much,but I feel so "country" compared to yer writes-forgive me&sum silly thoughts I throw 2gether.for this is truly,the thoughts,publishings of a greta poet& honored to be a friend,reader aquintance on myspace.xo,LaLa

  2. -and,as you see,my dyslexia kicked in..where is that spellcheck button?-z there 1here on mobile apps?oh my word!xo,LaLa
